
The Week Ahead - Term 1, Week 6

Monday 2 March to Friday 6 March 2020

From the Head of College

Important Updates

Safety Around the College

As a community, we need to be ever vigilant about the safety of our students, staff, parents and all who are involved across our campuses. We are very mindful of our duty of care responsibilities, and as such, we have an active WHS committee that monitors safety across the College.

It is a timely reminder to parents that there is no adult supervision at any campus prior to 8am on school days. 

Outside School Hours Care - Before School Care and After School Care are available for our Junior College students; and for our students on Stephen Street Campus, after school activities such as music, sport and extended Library hours (Monday to Thursday) provide opportunities for ongoing supervised endeavours. Further information is available through individual Campus Receptions.

From the College Pastor

Community News

Save the Date: Learning Showcase on 19 March

You may have heard us say that at Concordia, learning is as the heart of everything we do. That's why we are introducing an exciting new event for the entire Ā鶹“«Ć½ community - our Learning Showcase on Thursday 19 March.

The Learning Showcase will feature a range of interactive and engaging activities and displays to show you the exceptional learning that takes place in our classrooms from Prep to Year 12. You will also have a VIP preview of some of the special things we have organised for Open Day on Saturday 21 March.

Join us from 5pm to 7pm on Thursday 19 March at Stephen Street Campus. This event is a family friendly event for students, parents and extended family and friends who may be interested in attending.

There will be a complimentary sausage sizzle on the night, so you won't have to worry about cooking dinner. 

Please note that some students may be asked to participate in this event. 

We hope to see lots of families at this event.

Open Day

Concordia's 2020 Open Day is taking place on Saturday 21 March from 9.30am to 12.30pm. 

To help families plan for the day and navigate all the exciting activities, displays and presentations, we have created a free event app just for Open Day.

Just some of the features of the Concordia Open Day app include:

  • See scheduled events and create a personalised schedule for the day
  • Access profiles of key staff members including Head of College, Directors of Campus, Business Manager and Registrar
  • View all the displays that will be on show across all three campuses throughout the day
  • View maps of each campus and see where events and displays will be located
  • Discover each campus as well as the kindergartens and Outside School Hours Care

You can download the app by .

Mrs Bianca Coleborn
Director of Marketing & Enrolments

Clean Up Australia Day - This Sunday!

Clean Up Australia Day is this Sunday 1 March. Concordia has organised a group to clean up around Stephen, South and Warwick Streets from 2pm to 4pm on Sunday. Please come along and help! Wear a hat, sunscreen and sun safe clothing. Bring gloves and a water bottle for the session. Bags for collection will be provided. I look forward to seeing you there. 

. Further information can be found in the images below.

Mrs Carissa Jaworska
Senior College Coordinator

Inter-House Cross Country

The Inter-House Cross Country is being held on Wednesday 11 March. .

Community Invitation

Project Based Learning at Concordia

Junior College

Sporting Schools Programs ā€“ Term 1

The popular Sporting Schools Program is continuing in Term 1.  After school activities of Volleyball and Soccer have been organised and students are encouraged to attend:

  • Volleyball at WSC on Mondays; open to Years 4-6 students (max. of 20 students ā€“ first in basis)
  • Soccer at HSC on Tuesdays; open to Years 3-6 students (max. of 25 students ā€“ first in basis)

More detailed information about these activities has been emailed to the relevant parents.

To submit your child/childrenā€™s interest in participating, go to Parent Lounge > Tours & Excursions.  

Mr Darryl Fry
JC Sports Coordinator

Outside School Hours Care

Hume Street Campus

HSC Week 7 Updates

Click on Expand Article to view important notices for the coming week.

2021 Kindergarten Enrolments

Ā鶹“«Ć½ Hume Street Kindergarten is currently taking enrolments for 2021 for both Kindergarten classes and Junior Kindy. 

  • Kindergarten Class 1 attends every Monday and Tuesday 8am to 4pm.
  • Kindergarten Class 2 attends every Wednesday and Thursday 8am to 4pm. 
  • Junior Kindy attends every Friday 8.30am to 2.30pm. 

Please email Melissa Giles for further information regarding 2021 enrolments.  

HSC Week 6 Events

 to view HSC events for Week 6

Warwick Street Campus

From the Director of Campus

Ā鶹“«Ć½ā€™s Strategic Plan lists one of the aspirations of Learning and Teaching aā€œCreate learning intervention programs, within the capacity of the College, to support the learning needs of all students.ā€

This past week, we have begun our MultiLit intervention reading groups. Under the MultiLit suite are MiniLit (Years 1 and 2) and MacqLit (Years 3-12). The MultiLit Program is based on research and evidence. More information can be found by .

These groups of readers are supported at WSC by Mrs Cathy Donald who is a trained MultiLit teaching assistant. The classroom teacher and Cathy work closely together to ascertain students who would benefit from this program. MultiLit has now been running at CLC for nearly two years and we are amazed by the results. It is very exciting to see so many students beginning to see themselves as readers. If you have any questions about your student or this program, please make an appointment to see you classroom teacher.

Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campus

WSC Week 6 Updates

Click on Expand Article to view important notices for the coming week.

Word on the Street

This week Mrs Minnikinā€™s Gotcha box has resurfaced! WSC students who are caught doing the right thing will receive a Gotcha to put in the box. Word on the Street is that the first Mrs Minnikin Gotcha Box draw will happen on Monday at Assembly.  Good luck to all students who already have their name in the box!

WSC Week 7 Events

 to view WSC events for Week 7

Stephen Street Campus

Weekly News

A walk through our College and conversations with our staff and students on any given day is always quite an inspirational journey. 

Just this week, I stumbled across a rocket being prepared for launch in the Science Department in readiness for a Year 7 Science lesson with a Year 7/8 USQ STEM Rocket Project in the pipeline for next term. 

As I wandered into the Technology staffroom, I saw the planning that is shaping thinking around aspects of our Year 9, 2021 program. I have had a chat to confirm the placement of planter boxes for the Year 11 Agricultural Practices students to plant out their trial seedlings. 

I was able to commend a Year 11 student who, by his own initiative, effected a very difficult repair to one of our umbrellas that was accidentally damaged earlier in the week. 

2020 Griffith Future Leaders Retreat

In January, Jeremiah Hukkinen and I attended the 2020 Griffith Future Leaders Retreat. Over the three days, we interacted with Year 12 students from across Queensland and northern New South Wales. 

We listened to acclaimed keynote speakers who spoke on the topics of practical communication and presentation skills. We learnt about personality types, characteristics of extroverts and introverts and the value of collaboration in leadership. 

Claire Madden, a renowned Australian social researcher and the author of Hello Gen Z, gave an intriguing and interactive presentation. She addressed the challenges faced by our generation and identified our ability to work collaboratively as an asset in our endeavours. 

Drama Club News

We are thrilled to report that Drama Club is running again in 2020 and we canā€™t wait to engage in a vast variety of drama-related activities throughout the year. This year, Drama Club is being run a little differently. Drama Club 2020 will see students participating in the electives of their choice. These include Theatre Sports, The Scene Project and Backstage Ninjas, just to name a few and we look forward to sharing our adventures with you throughout the year. 

P.A.R.T.Y. - prevent alcohol and risk related trauma in youth

On Tuesday 25 February, 30 Year 12 students attended the Toowoomba Base Hospital to take part in the P.A.R.T.Y. program. Doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologists and paramedics spoke about the consequences of poor decision making. Students were confronted with stories, videos, scenarios, photographs and equipment from real life trauma incidents. 

Year 12 Drama Performance Rescheduled

Due to technical issues, the performance of Hamlet on Thursday 5 March has been rescheduled to Friday 24 April 3.30pmā€“4.30pm in the Dance Studio (Term 2).

Please contact Mrs Jess Merretz if you have any questions.

Information Evening

House Spirit is Alive at Aussie Day Activities

On Friday 21 February, during the second last period of the day, the Stephen Street Campus students got out of the classroom and into the sun for an hour filled of fun activities all based around the day's theme, "Aussie Country Day". Students participated in their Altus, Stedman and Kessler vertical House groups, rotating around several activities including a tug of war, tyre flip, hobby horse race, lasso toss, gumboot toss, a dress up relay and an egg and spoon race. 

The winning team on the day was Stedman 5 with 64 points. The overall House winner was Altus with 490 points. Congratulations!

$387 was raised through the free dress donations. This money will go towards bushfire, drought and flood appeals.

Bella Gratwick
Middle College Sports Leader

SSC P&F Update

This time next week we will be getting our cookery skills into gear as we get ready to cook up a storm at our BUNNINGS SAUSAGE SIZZLE.
We are desperately seeking parents and students to help out on the day, even for one hour. It makes such a difference and it is truly appreciated. We have a fun time and it is a very sociable event. If you are able to help out, where you will be able to nominate and secure your preferred times to assist. We will be seeking volunteers in one hour slots at Bunnings from 7am to 4.30pm, (students must be 15 years or older to help on the day).

Easter Homestyle Bake Fundraiser 

Order forms and menus are now available, and you should have received one via your student, alternatively you may . 

Orders and payments are to be returned to the school no later than Wednesday 11 March and order pick-up will be on Friday 20 March between 2pm-4pm or during Open Day on Saturday 21 March. 

Visual Art News

Art Competitions

There are two art competitions currently that students are able to submit an entry. Click on the links below for further information:

Volunteers Needed!

Term 1 Tutoring

Aerosol Warning

Please be aware that some members of our Concordia community suffer severe allergies to aerosol deodorant sprays or perfumes that can trigger an asthma attack or bring on a severe migraine in a sensitive individual. This can be a life-threatening situation, resulting in the individual being transported to hospital. For others, it may result in time off sick as they recover from the effects of migraine.

Aerosol deodorants are banned from College premises, excursions, sporting events and all events where students are in confined spaces.

Staff have been asked to confiscate any aerosol products found at school.

Laura Geitz Shield - Netball

On Sunday 23 February, the Laura Geitz Shield for netball was held at Glennie stadium. The competition involves Years 7 to 9 girls. We were represented by students from all year groups. Unfortunately we faced tough competition on the day and bore some heavy losses. These losses did not deter the girls from giving their best and displaying a positive attitude the whole day. We played seven games and not once was a complaint uttered regarding how the team was fairing, only hope that the next game will be better. 

Thank you to the girls who played and trained on Tuesday afternoons leading up to the carnival. Training will recommence in Term 2 for all Middle College and Senior College players on Tuesday mornings at 6.45am in the gym. This will help prepare us for the junior and senior Vicki Wilson carnivals and the senior Wednesday night competition. All new players are welcome to join.

Mrs Carissa Jaworska
Netball Coach


Week 5 Update

Wow, time flies when you are having fun! That is what happened last Saturday night.

A super pampering fun night with the girls and staff. Yes, it was full of face masks, nail painting, foot spas, pool, movies and food. A perfect night out (in boarding). What a wonderful evening of fun, frivolity and friends.

Each term in boarding, we organise an assortment of fun activities eg. movies, Australia Zoo, games and ā€˜Round Robin ā€˜games. This week the boarders enjoyed team games eg. volleyball games.

We are all very excited to be going to Australia Zoo next weekend. CRIKEY! Got to love Steve Irwin!

The Boarding Team

Welcome from the Leadership Team