
North America

Watch the Nat Geo Kids video below and then answer the questions that follow.


  1. The continent of North America is made up of how many countries?
    1. 16
    2. 23
    3. 42
    4. 100
  2. The Rocky Mountains are found in the United States. Where is the Sierra Madre mountain range located?
    1. Canada
    2. United States
    3. Mexico
  3. The Florida Everglades are home to how many rare, endangered and threatened species?
    1. More than 20
    2. Less than 20
  4. Central America is made up of how many countries?
    1. four
    2. five
    3. six
    4. seven
  5. The first North Americans are believed to have migrated from where?
    1. North East Asia
    2. South East Asia
    3. Europe
    4. Africa
  6. Home to 21 million people, the most populated city in North America is:
    1. New York City
    2. Los Angeles
    3. Toronto
    4. Mexico City
  7. What is the name of America's hottest, driest and lowest point?
    1. Spring Valley
    2. Niagara Falls
    3. Yosemite
    4. Death Valley
  8. What is the name of the largest freshwater lake in the world?
    1. Lake Wonderful
    2. Lake Superior
    3. Lake Pretty Good
    4. Lake Excellent

Not sure of all the answers? You can watch the videos as many times as you like to find them. Once you have finished, you can check your answers here.

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Ready to learn more about the continents? Click on one of the following links: