

Watch the below Nat Geo Kids video then answer the questions that follow.


  1. Complete this sentence: Antarctica is the coldest, windiest and __________ continent.
    1. Driest
    2. Wettest
    3. Snowiest
    4. Rainiest
  2. True or false? Antarctica is home to the biggest desert in the world.
  3. What is another word or precipitation?
    1. Drought
    2. Weather
    3. Cold
    4. Rain
  4. The largest single piece of ice in the world is located in Antarctica. It is called:
    1. Antarctica Ice Desert
    2. Antarctic Ice Sheet
    3. Antarctic Snow Sheet
    4. Antarctic Snow Blanket
  5. Mount Erebus has a molten lake made of lava. It has been erupting since:
    1. 1970
    2. 1972
    3. 1981
    4. 1990
  6. Name two types of scientific research that is conducted in Antarctica.
  7. Antarctica has more than ______ per cent of the world's ice?
    1. 60
    2. 70
    3. 80
    4. 90
  8. Of the seven continents, Antarctica is the ____________ largest?
    1. fourth
    2. fifth
    3. sixth
    4. seventh
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Ready to learn more about the continents? Click on one of the following links: