
The Week Ahead - Term 2, Week 6

Monday 25 May to Friday 29 May 2020

From the Head of College

Update from Head of College

We are looking forward to all students from Kindy to Year 12 resuming onsite education this coming Monday 25 May. Throughout this week, parents and guardians have received confirmation of the protocols that will be in place on Monday, and these will possibly remain intact at least until the end of Term 2 and perhaps beyond.

In the coming week, I am looking forward to resuming enrolment interviews for the 2021 intake of students. These will continue to be carried out at all three campuses - albeit that many will be done via videoconferencing. At the same time, we have revisited our marketing strategies for the next few months. This coming week will see the launch of a new and fun-filled video put together with our students and staff at the end of last term. Please watch this and share it widely through your social media platforms – we would love to see this go viral!

From the College Pastor

Community News

Enjoy from Home

Ensembles and Music Tuition to Resume

The following ensembles will resume in Week 6 as indicated below:

  • Monday – SSC Choir 3.30pm-5pm, Chapel (starting Week 7)
  • Tuesday – SSC Big band 3.30pm-5pm, Band Room (D3) 
  • Tuesday – JC Strings – 3.30pm-4.15pm, M2; Middle Strings 4.15pm-5pm, M2
  • Wednesday – Con Voce 3.30pm-4.30pm Chapel; Rock Band 4.30pm–5.30pm, Chapel
  • Wednesday – JC Band 3.30pm-4.30pm, Band Room (D3)
  • Thursday – Concert Band 3.30pm-5pm, Chapel 

Music tuition is also recommencing in Week 6. If your child is interested in starting lessons this term, further information can be found on the .

Mr Paul Edwards
Coordinator of Music Performance

What's next for LOVE CLC?

Many thanks to the College community for their support for the LOVE CLC platform. It has been pleasing to see the level of engagement with the platform across the College.

The LOVE CLC platform will continue to function as an online educational offering for our students. Over the coming weeks, we will be reviewing the platform and making some changes to keep it fresh and engaging for students to access.

The intention is for the LOVE CLC platform to evolve over time and we look forward to sharing updates. If you have any suggestions for LOVE CLC, we would love to hear from you. Please email us at marketing@concordia.qld.edu.au.

Mrs Bianca Coleborn
Director of Marketing & Enrolments

RYDA Road Safety Tips

The RYDA road safety education program has provided this very useful information on . During these stressful and uncertain times, managing mind-state on the road is more important than ever and it provides you with a great teaching moment for your kids.

Project Based Learning at Concordia

Junior College

Outside School Hours Care

Hume Street Campus

News from the Director

Thank You
Teachers teach because they have a passion for helping students learn… definitely not because they want to be film stars! And yet, I think you can agree with me, the teachers have definitely entertained us all with their morning messages and I am looking forward to working on a compilation of these over the weekend.

I would like to take a moment to thank our HSC teaching and support staff. Their response to the current and emerging challenges have been very much a TEAM effort. They have worked extremely hard to maintain a consistent and innovative approach to continuing our students' learning throughout this trying time. It needs to be acknowledged that this has been a very stressful time for both teachers and support staff and that this stress has been eased somewhat by the strong show of appreciation and support from within our parent community. The regular emails of support and thanks have been gratefully received.

Health and Safety of Staff and Students
As we transition back into all year levels returning to school, the health and safety of our staff and students is paramount. Our Head of College, Mr Adrian Wiles, has provided details in his communication with parents earlier this week. Our main request at this point, will be for all parents to remain in their cars. If you need to secure seat belts for your child, we will have some parks allocated that you can park in. Please organise your child and then let them walk to us at the gate while you remain with your car.

Warwick Street Campus

News from the Director

As of next Monday 25 May, we will have our full cohort of WSC students back on campus. Finally, we are able to get back to some form of normality! 

Thank you to our parents who kept up with their child’s education over the past three to five weeks with online learning – you have done an amazing job and we are grateful for you keeping the academic progress of your children on track.

As all of our students return to school, we must be mindful of the health and safety guidelines provided by the Queensland Government. Due to these guidelines, parents are unable to be on campus at this time, and therefore, the following drop off and pick up procedures will commence on Monday:

Stephen Street Campus

Ready, Reset, Go!

We have made it! Well done, parents, students and SSC staff. This has been such a fascinating chapter of history to experience from an educational perspective. What a journey of learning, the greatest of which I suggest is honing our abilities to adapt and respond flexibly and creatively to significant change and challenge. I could not be prouder of the way our students have adapted to the Teams learning environment and, again, I acknowledge the outstanding work done by our teachers and the support of parents and siblings at home. The feedback that has been provided via the online learning survey this week, was so encouraging and it certainly has given our staff a true sense of satisfaction. All that said, we are certainly looking forward to having the remainder of our students returning to onsite learning from next Monday.

As restrictions continue to ease in Queensland, we are working to reset our cocurricular programs. With changes of rehearsal venues to ones with appropriate social distancing capacity, choirs, instrumental music lessons, ensembles and bands will be able to recommence face-to-face rehearsals. Sporting activities appear to be still some way off and we are working to provide “COVID safe” options in this space as soon as we are allowed to.

Date Claimer

Parent/Teacher/Student conferences for Stephen Street Campus will be held on Monday 13 July. More information will be available in the coming weeks.


Welcome from the Leadership Team