
Safety and Support

We have compiled a range of additional resources to assist families to navigate learning under the current restrictions. We hope you find these resources useful during this time.

Cyber Safety

As we turn to online learning as the primary source of learning, it's important to ensure our safety online. We have collated information and tips on maintaining cyber safety while learning at home.

Visit Cyber Safety page


Our lives as we know it may have stopped but that doesn't mean we should stop thinking about the future. Use this space to think about your future career aspirations and how to reach them.

Visit the Careers page

Health and Wellbeing

You can access the following resources related to health and wellbeing throughout LOVE CLC:

  • Wellbeing Resources - weekly student survey, weekly wellbeing newsletter, links to articles and videos to support you.
  • Move - Daily activities to get you up and active while you are working or studying at home.
  • Fry-day Fitness - Join Mr Fry in the Junior College Weekly Wonders for some fun activities every Friday.
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