
The Week Ahead - Term 3, Week 2

Monday 18 July to Friday 22 July 2022

From the Head of College

From the Head of College

Dear Parents and Caregivers

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you back from the winter term break. I hope this time afforded you the opportunity to either slow down, connect with family and friends, change your daily routine, do day trips or take a well-deserved holiday. 

The wet and cold weather during this time was also probably what the doctor ordered to make us all slow down. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the 15 new students and their families who have joined the Concordia family this term. We look forward to growing a rich, rewarding and transparent working relationship with you as a family during your time with us.

For our Year 12 students, Term 3 will be their last full term of school life. This cohort of Senior students has brought a sense of calm, level-headedness and maturity to the College this year, with a sense of calm very evident across the Stephen Street Campus – and they are great young people to have a chat with too. 

I would like to wish these young adults and their families every blessing as they begin to consider the journey of wrapping up this first major milestone of their lives. Good luck, God bless and remember to keep the channels of communication open with the College over the coming term.

From the College Pastor

Welcome to Term 3

Welcome to Term 3, and we hope and pray that the holidays did provide time for refreshment and rest and you were able to keep away from various sicknesses going around. There was certainly a buzz around our campuses as students returned on Tuesday for another term of learning and growing together, and I am looking forward to re-engaging with my classes and in other ways across our community.

Youth Alpha

Youth Alpha continues at Monday lunchtimes in S6, facilitated by Pastor Thomas and supported by our Faith Captains.

Community News

Concordia Archives

We are seeking an archiving enthusiast who is interested in volunteering to assist with our current archive.

We are looking for someone who would be able to volunteer 2-3 hours per week, fortnight or month! The position would involve working closely with our Teacher Librarian to maintain the existing archive, archive new items and respond to enquiries. If you are interested in helping out and intermediate computer skills, please contact Lynda or Heidi on 4688 2700 or contact employment@concordia.qld.edu.au.

Upcoming Event

Kokoda Challenge

This week has been marked with nervous excitement as seven students chatter about the events of this weekend. The time has finally arrived for the 96km Kokoda Challenge walk on the Gold Coast Hinterland. On Saturday morning students, team leaders and their parents will be up for a 6am start at the Mudgeeraba Bowls Club where the trek will set off at 7am. Our two teams will walk through the day and night to complete the journey. 

The Kokoda Challenge aims to spread awareness of the heroic defence of Australia against imminent invasion and the spirit of our young soldiers, instilling the Kokoda values of Courage, Endurance, Mateship and Sacrifice into the community of today. These timeless Kokoda values still have a profound impact on individuals and are the basis of a healthy community.

Discount Physiotherapy Sessions

The Fit Lab offer discounted physiotherapy for all CLC athletes, staff and parents. Just let their staff know you are from CLC to receive the discount.

College Policies

The College has a number of public policies that are available for viewing through our website. These policies and procedures include statements about Privacy, Grievance Handling, Child-Protection, Anti-Discrimination and Respectful Relationships. Click here to access these policies.

For further information about any public policies and procedures of the College please contact either the Head of College or Directors of Campus.

National Tree Day - 3 September 2022

Lecture Theatre is (almost) finished!

Have you heard the news? The seats are in the lecture theatre and it looks amazing! There have certainly been a lot of staff members and students using the space now that it has been fitted out with the seats. Click on Expand Article below to see what it looks like now...and then!

We are in the process of finalising the upgrade with the printing and installation of the honour board and plaques on the seats recognising the generous supporters who have purchased a chair for the refurbishment. Once the plaques have been installed, we will be holding a special VIP official opening for everyone who has supported the project.

There are just two final chairs remaining that are available to be purchased. If you are interested in etching your name in Concordia's history by making a tax-deductible donation of $500, please contact me directly via email bianca.coleborn@concordia.qld.edu.au.

Many thanks again to everyone who has made this refurbishment a reality. It is certainly a wonderful space for our learners and we truly value your support.

Mrs Bianca Coleborn
Director of Marketing & Enrolments

Project Based Learning at Concordia

Junior College

From the Director of Campuses

Welcome back to Term 3! I trust that you all had a relaxing holiday and were able to spend some time with friends and family over the break. Winter is truly upon us this term so I pray that everyone keeps well over the coming weeks.

Over these holidays, Mrs Rowena Weier and I were fortunate to be able to attend the Australian Conference for Lutheran Educators (ACLE) in Melbourne. The theme of the conference was ‘One Voice, Many Paths’ and it was a wonderful opportunity to network with Lutheran Schools from all over Australia. While we were there, we were privileged to hear from many presenters, one being an inspirational indigenous lady, who spoke to us about her life story which was very fitting seeing it was NAIDOC Week.

Parent/Teacher Communication

Communication between parents and teachers is an important part of our school routine. At our Junior College we communicate with our parents via email, Seesaw and Parent/Teacher meetings.

Seesaw has been a wonderful addition to our communication platform over recent years and assists our parents to keep up to date with what is happening in the classrooms. Although Seesaw has a messaging component, please be mindful that if you need to let the school know any confidential information about your child, that this is done via email or a face-to-face meeting. 

Please note: When your child is absent from school please notify your Campus Reception or log it through Parent Lounge. Absentee notifications must not be placed on Seesaw.

JC Year 3 Koojarewon Youth Camp - Open Afternoon - 25 July 2022

We are very conscious that our Year 3 students have another ‘first’ in Term 3… it is their first school overnight camping experience. 

While this is a little stressful for some students, it is majorly stressful for many parents. To assist both students and parents in this ‘first’, Koojarewon offer an opportunity for an optional pre-visit. This is a great opportunity for you to come out to the camp grounds and check out all of the facilities including the dorms, kitchen and dining hall and the overall camp environment. Camp staff will be there to field any questions from students and parents. The Year 3 teachers will also be there. 

If you are feeling a little unsettled about the upcoming camp, or would just like to come and check it out, feel free to come along on Monday 25 July between 3.30pm to 5pm. 

Address for Google Maps: Koojarewon Youth Camp, 26 Borghardt Road Highfields.

CLC Central Zone 9-12yrs Track & Field Carnival

The Central Zone 9-12yrs Track & Field Carnival is on Wednesday 10 August 2022 at the O'Quinn Street Oval, Harristown. 

Permissions Required by Tuesday 26 July 2022. 
Please return completed forms to Mr Darryl Fry or your Campus Reception.

  • Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission via the [[tour_desc]] Event.
  • Complete and return the Darling Downs Region School Sport Zone and Regional Trial Permission Student Health Information Form
  • Complete and return the Queensland School Sport - Representative School Sport Consent Form For students competing in the Discus event please complete and return the Queensland School Sport Track & Field - Activity Consent/Medical Declaration Form

Please check your emails for more information regarding the Carnival.

JC Year 6 Cairns Trip - Parent Information Session

The Junior College Year 6 teachers will be holding an information session to answer any questions you may have about the Year 6 Cairns Trip. All parents and Year 6 students are most welcome and are encouraged to attend.

This Parent Information session will be held Tuesday 2 August (Week 4, Term 3) at 5.30pm-6.30pm. 

Please note the venue for this meeting has now changed to the Lecture Theatre at Stephen Street Campus. 

to register your attendance.

Outside School Hours Care

Hume Street Campus

HSC Tennis Coaching - Term 3

Tennis coaching will be held during Term 3. Click the relevant link below for further information:

HSC Tuckshop Orders

At HSC, Tuckshop is held on a Thursday. All orders are to be completed online at  by 3pm each Wednesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Thursday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.

HSC Term 3 Chess Lessons with Les Lord

Our chess lessons with Mr Les Lord starts on Tuesday at 10.45am. Students that are enrolled in these lessons will meet in the Art Room at 10.45am. Students are welcome to bring their lunch box with them to chess.

Warwick Street Campus

WSC Tuckshop Orders

At WSC, Tuckshop is held on a Wednesday. All orders are to be completed online at by 3pm each Tuesday. Please notify Reception by 9am on Wednesday if your child is absent and we will cancel their order. Tuckshop will finish in Week 9.

WSC Tennis Coaching - Term 3

Tennis coaching will be held during Term 3. Click the relevant link below for further information:

WSC Term 3 Chess Lessons with Mr Les Lord

Mr Les Lord will commence chess lessons on Tuesday 19 July 2022 from 12.45pm to 1.30pm in the Year 4 Classroom. The cost per student for six (6) lessons will be $45.00. If your child would like to participate, please submit your payment and approval via Parent Lounge by Friday 15 July 2022. Permission Required: Parents are requested to go to Parent Lounge to submit your permission and payment.

  • login to >
  • click on Events & Payments >
  • click on WSC Term 3 Chess Lessons with Mr Les Lord >
  • click on Payment Details >
  • click on confirmation and pay now >
  • Accept >
  • Save. If you need any further information please contact HSC Reception on 07 4688 2700 (Opt 3).

Stephen Street Campus

Elevate Parent Session


Meg Simpson, Jack Foran, Joshua Lambert and Georgia May were honoured to perform at the 54th Convention of Synod 2022 organised by the Lutheran Church of Australia Queensland District last term. This three day event is an assembly of bishops and other church officials and is very important to the Lutheran Church.

These talented students performed during the canapes and dinner events on Saturday evening and managed to get the crowd singing along and waving their arms with their phone flashlights!

Year 8 student, Jarkara Tapau, provided the Welcome to Country.

Well done to everyone! It was fantastic to see these students take up such an opportunity and to serve and represent their College.

Ms Christina Marangelli
Coordinator of Music Performance

Year 10 Drama Semester 1 Project

Year 10 Drama students have had some very special opportunities in Semester 1 while working in a unit aimed at connecting the students to professional theatre artists across many different providers. They have been involved with a Masterclass Series where they participated with professional directors, designers and stage technicians in practical activities with mentors from the University of Southern Queensland. A special thanks goes to USQ Theatre lecturer Travis Dowling for his facilitation of the process. 

Students have also viewed some exceptional live theatre productions, where they were inspired by the actors, directors and different theatre spaces they encountered.  Most recently students have seen a performance from La Boite Theatre in Brisbane. From all of these experiences Year 10 Drama has produced some incredible work, creating a directing folio, a script and a public performance for friends and family. 

All students involved are to be congratulated on their focus, passion and hard work throughout the semester. 

Mrs Jess Merretz
Drama Teacher

Free Elevate Parent Webinar - Motivating Your Child

Wednesday 27 July at 6.30pm

Topic: How to Help Motivate Your Child

Here's what Elevate will be covering:

✅ What impact does praise and reassurance have on your child's motivation?

✅ What are the best types of goals to be setting with your child? 

✅ How can you help your child create meaningful and lasting motivation?


Tennis Coaching - Term 3


Boarding News

Week 1 is over, and our students have returned feeling refreshed and ready for the term ahead.

Our Senior students will be preparing for their exams over the next few weeks. Please know that we do appreciate the amount of pressure they will all be feeling, and we are here to support your child in every way we can to make this journey a memorable one with a minimal amount of stress.

On behalf of Boarding, I would like to welcome Jacob into the Temme tutoring team. We all look forward to working with Jacob.

. This may help you to plan visits and weekend leave with your children for Term 3.

I hope you all enjoy the photo gallery below as I am sure the majority of you will be staunch Queensland supporters.

Andrew’s place of origin being the country music town of Tamworth. Myself, Donald Bradman land, Bowral in the Southern Tablelands of NSW. We gracefully accepted the defeat even though the students gave us some stick. It was a great night. 

If you are travelling stay safe and take care. 

Mrs Maureen Taurima
Girls' Houseparent

Welcome from the Leadership Team