
The Week Ahead - Term 2, Week 3

Monday 4 May to Friday 8 May 2020

From the Head of College

Weekly Update from the Head of College

During the week, I shared some updated thoughts via video with parents in the Junior College. In essence, we have worked through the second week of our virtual learning program with some resounding successes and it is evident that we are all learning together at this time. Thank you to all within our community for your ongoing support, and I have noted that spirits are high across our Concordia community - albeit in challenging times

The College is appreciative of our parents and guardians, and in particular, we thank you for your attention to the Term 2 fee structures and arrangements as announced last week. We have been overwhelmed by the encouragement for our community as evidenced by the number of parents who have indicated a willingness to pay the scheduled fees in support of those who may be finding these times more difficult. We have also noted an uptake through our Future Foundation, and details for contacting the College about this method of support can be found on the Concordia website or contacting the Business Office. So far, we have been able to keep our community fully intact, and this stems from one united and considered approach. Thank you!

It was a delight to see that our boarding community has been able to come together through MS Teams. Faces appearing on the screen are not quite the same as having students and their parents on campus, but nevertheless, the rolling out of this program in the coming weeks will usher in a new era of boarding and remote communication beyond this current lockdown. Thank you to our boarding families for your support and I hope that further virtual and in person contact will become the order of the day as we continue to build community.

Kindest regards and blessings

Mr Adrian Wiles
Head of College

From the College Pastor

Community News


We hope everyone has been enjoying the LOVE CLC portal that has been developed to provide students and their families with some fun educational activities in addition to their school work during this period of social isolation.

Here are some of the great new items that have been added to LOVE CLC this week:



  • Create: Bake some healthy banana bread
  • Explore: 10 minute history - The Fall of Rome
  • Believe: New devotion with Mrs Heuschele
  • Move: The Week 2 activities include yoga, meditation, dance, circuit training and throwing drills

We have been delighted by the number of photos sent to us by families (check out the Social Space). If you have something to contribute, please send it to us at marketing@concordia.qld.edu.au.

Mrs Bianca Coleborn
Director of Marketing & Enrolments

Project Based Learning at Concordia

Junior College

Outside School Hours Care

Hume Street Campus

From the Director of Campus

Hi Everyone. Well... two weeks down!

If you did not get a chance to see the video message from last week, I encourage you to go back and watch it. It was a huge shout out to our staff, students and to you the parents as well. We have appreciated the feedback both positive and suggestions for making this process better for everyone. As stated many times, this is a new path for us all and navigating it together is what will help us all to get through it.

Please find a few announcements and pieces of information below …

A snippet of our amazing week

Kindy Online Learning and Ice Cream Shops

We are currently running an online Kindergarten program and a face to face Kindergarten program at Hume Street Kindergarten. 

Our online Kindy friends have been enjoying using the Seesaw app to continue their early literacy and numeracy development, and also activities to follow on with their current interests. And have also been enjoying some Kindy Zoom sessions once a week, where they get to catch up with their peers at home, and at Kindy. It has been wonderful to watch the confidence in the Kindy children grow as they engage and interact more with the Zoom sessions. 

Our children who have been attending kindergarten have a strong interest in socio-dramatic play with their peers, and this interest has continued since Term 1. The children have planned and created their ice cream shop and ice cream van with minimal support from the teachers. They too are reaching a new level in their social interactions through this type of play; we have noticed a big leap in their communication methods with each other which is great to see for this time of the year. We are looking forward to adding in further early literacy and numeracy concepts into their current interest. 

Mrs Melissa Giles
Service Leader

Warwick Street Campus

From the Director of Campus

The resilience and adaptability of our Warwick Street Campus students never ceases to amaze me, and this has been reaffirmed in the last two weeks as they have successfully navigated their way through online learning. My interactions with students via Zoom meetings this week as well as the sheer volume of work that I have seen on Seesaw, tells me that we have a wonderful community of learners here at Concordia and, most importantly, the learning is still happening!

As we continue into Week 3 of our online learning program, it is important for us to ensure that the lines of communication between home and school remain open. If your child is struggling in any way as they work through their tasks each day, please contact the classroom teacher. Our teachers are genuinely interested in the welfare of each one of their students and are committed to assisting them as much as possible. Communication with teachers can happen via email, Zoom meeting or email to organise a phone call.

Beginning next week and until we return to some form of normality, our Warwick Street Campus Reception will be closed. Please contact Stephen Street Reception on 4688 2700, opt 1 if you would like to speak to someone on our campus, otherwise please email the classroom teachers or myself if you have any questions or concerns.

Finally, I would like to thank you again for all your positive messages and support for our teachers. I am fortunate to work with staff who are dynamic, highly committed educators, dedicated to exploring best teaching practices. Your willingness to work alongside them on this journey has made an extremely difficult and challenging time a little bit easier.

I look forward to continuing to join you over the next few weeks via some of our class Zoom meetings and wish you all the best as you continue at home with your students. 

Mrs Jackie Minnikin
Director of Campus

A Special Message from WSC Staff...

Stephen Street Campus

Weekly Update


Welcome from the Leadership Team